Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 7: Japanese Quiz Program

Currently it is here: http://www.ogresoft.com:83/MVC/HTML/Japanese111-1.htm.

There is no webservice - ajax stuff in here, the program, other than script includes, is self-contained. Of course, I used JQuery extensively. It was interesting to observer that most of the file is javascript, followed by css, and very little html.

From here, I need to add voice options: first converting the stock *.wav files into several *.mp3 files. The two *.mp3 files that I use for success and failure were converted from *.wav files using Sound Converter 1.4.4 in Ubuntu Linux. I made a few feeble attempts to download a useful freeware windows tool to do the conversion, but that didn't work. +1 linux; -1 Windows.

I made the viewable quiz area such that it would fit well on a cell-phone browser screen (landscape mode).

If I can get these programs to run well in a cell-phone browser, is there much use in creating cell-phone OS specific applications that do exactly the same thing, but in only a slightly more fluid manner? Probably not.

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