Monday, January 1, 2018

3d printing

I've dabbled in 3d printing for a few years now. I just got an awesome new Prusa Mk3. Love it.

I also started updating my OpenSCAD skills.

My latest creation is a simple flower pot.
The whole file on GitHub is here.

Some notes:
1) module -- this seems to be what I, as a programmer, would normal call a function. In the context of OpenSCAD they are modules. Not sure why the change in syntax, it's just something to remember.
2) for loops -- another new thing thing that I have learned, and an immensely useful one in this context.
3) hull() -- this is what I used to achieve the rounded edges. I'm not sure I grok it completely, but it is certainly another useful tool. Here is the article that led me to it.
4) GitHub has a great STL Viewer. The rendered object is here.
5) Oooh, and one more. The MCAD libraries are full of good stuff.
use <MCAD/--filename-->
To include them in a normal scad file.