Friday, April 24, 2020

Swagger/Swashbuckle Kata

dotnet new webapi
dotnet add package swashbuckle.aspnetcore

Add code:
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddSwaggerGen(options => {
                options.SwaggerDoc("v1"new Microsoft.OpenApi.Models.OpenApiInfo());

Add more code:
            app.UseSwaggerUI(options => {
                options.SwaggerEndpoint("v1/swagger.json""My API V1"); 

Run it,
go here:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

browser-sync kata

mkdir one
cd one
new-fromtemplate html
npm install -g browser-sync
browser-sync start --server --files "*.html"


npm install -g terminalizer
terminalizer record demo
terminalizer render demo
The original gif was nearly 3 meg.
That took it down to 440K. Much better. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Docker stuff

Some basic docker comamnds: sudo docker image list sudo docker run nginx sudo docker run hello-world sudo docker
sudo docker build -t myconsole2 . 
My first dockerfile:
FROM AS build-env

# Copy csproj and restore as distinct layers
COPY *.csproj ./
RUN dotnet restore

# Copy everything else and build
COPY . ./
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

FROM AS runtime-env
COPY --from=build-env /app/out . 
ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/console2" ]
docker exec --it {containerID} /bin/sh

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Installing the .net sdk on a fresh install of Ubuntu Linux.

.Net is no longer a windows only programming framework. This is how to get things going on a fresh copy of linux.
Open a terminal window, then:
wget -q -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport https
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.1
The SDK allows you to build and run .net applications.
sudo apt-get install dotnet-runtime-3.1
The runtime merely allows you to run .net applications.
sudo apt-get install aspnetcore-runtime-3.1
Initially, I did the next commands through visual studio code, but it isn't necessary to use visual studio code to run them. Any terminal window will do.
dotnet new console
dotnet build 
dotnet publish
You will want to edit code eventually.
sudo snap install --classic code
Or just edit files in sublime
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Composing multimaterial 3D objects with OpenSCAD and the command line

I'm a fan of OpenSCAD. I'm also a gardener. My sharpie based plant labels were becoming difficult to read after a season on the ground. Worse though, some of the plants that I keep in my bog garden were becoming completely unreadable. Especially since they can sit outdoors in soggy or wet acidic peat moss for years before I decide that I need to remind myself exactly which cultivar I am looking at. So, having recently acquired the Prusa MMU upgrade for MK3, I naturally decide to 3d print the labels, so that they will never fade, and it will indeed be impossible for them to do so, since the lettering will be in a completely different color of plastic. This brings us to the first bit of code, the 3d printable multi-material plant label written in OpenSCAD:
letter="<Main Text>";
smallText="<Small Text>";
length = 90;    
textStart = 0; 
height = 2; 

module GetText(bigText, littleText) { 
    union() {         
        translate([textStart, 0, 1.7])
            color("black", 1)
                linear_extrude(height=.301, convexity=4)
                    font="Bitstream Vera Sans",
        translate([textStart, -8, 1.7])
            color("black", 1)
                linear_extrude(height=.301, convexity=4)
                    font="Bitstream Vera Sans",
                    size=5// 3 is too small, doesn't extrude
                          // 4 is readable, but leaves gaps

// First extrusion 
/*marker_one*/difference () { 
    color("white", 1.0)
        union() { 
            translate([-length/2 - 100, -2, 0])
                cube([100, 4, height]);
            // tapered neck 
            linear_extrude(height) { 
                polygon(points=[[-length/2 -30, 0], [-length / 2, +10], [-length /2, -10], [-length / 2 - 30, 0]]);
            //Broad flat area for text
            translate([-length/2, -10, 0])
                cube([length, 20, height], center=false) ;
    // holes for text 
    color("black", 1) 
        union() { 
            GetText(letter, smallText); 

            rotate([180, 0, 0])
                translate([textStart, 1, -2])
                    GetText(letter, smallText); 

// Second Extrusion
/*marker_two*/union() { 
    GetText(letter, smallText); 

    rotate([180, 0, 0])
        translate([textStart, 1, -2])
            GetText(letter, smallText); 
With this file in hand, I first replace <Main Text> and <Small Text> with something appropriate for the label. I then replace /*marker_two*/ with an asterisk and export the object to an *.amf file. I then repeat the process with /*marker_one*/, after deleting the first asterisk. So I have two *.amf files which I will then load into slic3r and convert into gcode. I print a lot of these labels, and I only print one or two of each of them. So this turns out to be more labor intensive than I'd like. After some research, I created the following powershell function to do the work for me. All from a single command.
function Get-3dMMPlantLabel { 
    Param($mainText, $smallText="")
    process {
        $template = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("PlantLabelTemplate.scad")
        $output = $template.Replace("<Main Text>", $mainText).Replace("<Small Text>", $smallText)
        $outputOne = $output.Replace("/*marker_two*/", "*")
        $outputTwo = $output.Replace("/*marker_one*/", "*")
        $outputOneFileName = "$($mainText)1.scad"
        $outputTwoFileName = "$($mainText)2.scad"
        $outputOne | Out-File $outputOneFileName -Encoding ascii
        $outputTwo | Out-File $outputTwoFileName -Encoding ascii
        & "C:\Program Files\OpenSCAD\openscad.exe" -o "$($mainText)1.amf" $outputOneFileName
        & "C:\Program Files\OpenSCAD\openscad.exe" -o "$($mainText)2.amf" $outputTwoFileName

Get-3dMMPlantLabel "Swamp Milkweed" "Somewhere in OH"
It outputs two files: "Swamp Milkweed1.amf" and "Swamp Milkweed2.amf" in this example. These are exactly what I need to orchestrate the 3d print in Slic3r. Now if only I could automate the gcode creation in Slic3r. Maybe next Saturday.

Monday, January 1, 2018

3d printing

I've dabbled in 3d printing for a few years now. I just got an awesome new Prusa Mk3. Love it.

I also started updating my OpenSCAD skills.

My latest creation is a simple flower pot.
The whole file on GitHub is here.

Some notes:
1) module -- this seems to be what I, as a programmer, would normal call a function. In the context of OpenSCAD they are modules. Not sure why the change in syntax, it's just something to remember.
2) for loops -- another new thing thing that I have learned, and an immensely useful one in this context.
3) hull() -- this is what I used to achieve the rounded edges. I'm not sure I grok it completely, but it is certainly another useful tool. Here is the article that led me to it.
4) GitHub has a great STL Viewer. The rendered object is here.
5) Oooh, and one more. The MCAD libraries are full of good stuff.
use <MCAD/--filename-->
To include them in a normal scad file.