I keep losing bits of code that do this. I like to make my brain work while it reads. I get bored with the act of reading quickly sometimes. This puts a complete halt to the boredom/lack of challenge.
$filename = "C:\Users\Ogre\Documents\Calibre Library\Catch-22\Joseph Heller (30)\Joseph Heller - Catch-22.txt" $text = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($filename); $output = "" for($i = 0; $i -lt $text.Length; $i++){ $currentAsciiValue = [int]$text[$i]; if($currentAsciiValue -gt 64 -and $currentAsciiValue -lt 91) { $output += [char]($currentAsciiValue + 1) } elseif($currentAsciiValue -gt 96 -and $currentAsciiValue -lt 123) { $output += [char]($currentAsciiValue + 1) } else { $output += [char]($currentAsciiValue) } } $output >> Catch22Ciphered.txt